In a few clicks, you can add branded color palettes and styling for your Tour Components. Once you've added it, you can apply those changes across all or multiple Tours — easy!
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In a few clicks, you can add branded color palettes and styling for your Tour Components. Once you've added it, you can apply those changes across all or multiple Tours — easy!
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Take a Tour of how to Set your Account Branding!
With Branding you can:
Customize and save Color Palettes, Font Styles, and create Templates for your Tour Components, Page Styles, and Forms
Update every Tour (or selected Tours) all at once (i.e. your company rebrands)
Brand updates happen in small and large capacities... even after your Tours are done, if you need to make one-off brand updates, you can do this in bulk!
Saves time -- focus on building your Tours, not styling them individually
Maintain brand control — only account Admins can edit Branding
Ensure styling consistency across all your Tours
Set your color palette by adding multiple HEX codes (there is no limit!)
Add your default font type, size, and color for Headlines and Body content
Add defaults for your Primary, Secondary, Text and Background colors
Primary color - affects borders and button backgrounds (+ button text if background color is transparent) across Tooltips, forms and TourPlayers, plus step counters in tooltips
Secondary color - affects hotspots and clickzones in Tooltips as well as TourPlayer progress bars and card indicators
Under templates, you can set defaults for Tour Components, Page Styles and Forms.
See a preview of your Tooltip template
Click Edit to set or change your Tooltip styling (size, buttons, font size, hotspots, clickzones, etc.)
Select Apply All to apply changes to all your Tours, or select which ones you'd like to apply the styling to
Note: You can also use the dropdown menu to toggle between styling
The same applies to Modals and Nav & progress bar below Tooltips
See how your default primary and secondary colors affect Page Styles
Click Edit to set or change page styling (background, card styles, and card indicators)
Set your Forms template
Select Apply All to apply changes to all your Tours with forms, or select which ones you'd like to apply the styling to
Can I save multiple brand templates?
No. You can save one template per section (Tour Components, Page Styles, Forms)
Can I update all my tools at once?
Yes. Use the "Apply All" button to update all tools across your Tours. Use the Default colors section to instantly update colors across all tools all at once.
Can I only update certain tools at once?
Yes. Simply edit the tool (tooltips or modals, for example) you want to change and apply those changes to any or all Tours.
Can I revert?
Not at this time. Once you save changes, you can not revert to a previous state.
Can I update all templates in bulk with primary/secondary colors?
Yes. If you update primary or secondary colors under Default colors, those will apply across all of your templates.
Can I update all my tours at once?
Yes. use the "Apply All" button to update all of your Tours.
Can I update only specific tours?
Yes. Under the "Apply All" button, select the Tours you wish to update.
Can I still update tools when inside the tour?
Yes. New Tours will be created with the set Branding, but additional changes can be made within the individual Tour.
Can anyone make Branding changes?
No. Only account Admins can set or change settings under Branding.
Can anyone make tool changes in a Tour?
Account Editors and Admins can make changes but Viewers cannot.