Engagement Data with Marketo

πŸ‘‰ Take a Tour before Getting StartedπŸ‘ˆ

Once you've completed the setup of the Marketo Integration, you'll start to see Tourial engagement data populating in your Marketo account. This data will be visible in the lead or person record activity log, and you'll also be able to create lists and workflows based on a person's engagement with your Tourials.

Person Record Activity Log

A 'Custom Activity' is created each time a person engages with one of your Tourials. You can view those custom activities under the Activity Log. Clicking into the activity itself, you'll be able to see the following data: ​ ​

Engagement Data

  • Time Spent on Tourial

    • The total amount of time in seconds the visitor spent on the Tourial during that particular session

  • Total Clicks

    • Count that refers to the total number of clicks throughout the Tourial

  • Total CTA Clicks

    • Count that refers to the number of external link clicks, number of forms viewed, and schedulers opened throughout the Tourial

  • External Link Clicks

    • Count that refers to the number of external links clicked on across the Tourial

  • Total Forms Submitted

    • Count that refers to the number of forms submitted

Tourial Metadata

  • Tourial Name

    • Name of the Tourial as indicated in your Tourial account

  • Tourial URL

    • The shareable URL for the Tourial

  • Tourial ID

    • ID of the Tourial from the Tourial database

  • Session ID

    • ID of the session from the Tourial database

  • Visitor ID

    • ID of the visitor from the Tourial database

  • Date Viewed

    • Date the Tourial was viewed

  • utm_medium

  • utm_source

  • utm_campaign

Lists and Workflows

When creating a Smart List or setting up a workflow, you'll have access to the following Tourial engagement data when you Add Constraints. Note that all Tourial data is prefaced with Tourial.

  • Tourial URL - The unique URL for a Tourial which can be used to pull data on a specific Tourial

  • Tourial Total Seconds - Total time in seconds the contact has spent on a specific Tourial

  • Total Clicks - Count referring to the total number of any type of click throughout a Tourial

  • Total CTA Clicks - Number of external link clicks, number of forms viewed, and schedulers opened throughout the Tourial

  • Total External Links Clicked - Number of clicks on any external link in a Tourial

  • Total Forms Submitted - Total number of forms submitted in a Tourial

  • Date Viewed - Date field for when the Tourial was viewed

  • All Viewed Tourial Names - String field that can be used to search by Tourial name

  • Total Unique Tourials Viewed - Total number of unique Tourials viewed

  • Total Sessions - Total number of sessions that contact has had across all Tourials

  • Last Session Date - Date field that can be used to search by a contact's most recent session on any Tourial

  • Total Seconds on all Tourials - Total time in seconds the contact has spent on all Tourials

  • Visitor ID - ID of the visitor from the Tourial database

  • Session ID - ID of the session from the Tourial database

Adding Constraints to a Smart List

  1. First add the Viewed Tourial filter to your Smart List in the right-side panel. You can select additional filters using Tourial Name and specifying a single Tourial. To add additional constraints, click on Add Constraints. ​

  2. From there, you can select various constraints based on the Tourial engagement data captured.

Tourial Engagement Data Use Cases for Marketo

When a buyer decides to engage with a Tourial, they're showing they have a high level of buying intent and that they are actively in a decision-making position. Being able to tie buyer engagement data to specific Person (lead) Records in Marketo allows you to leverage that information to create value in 3 ways:

Lead Intelligence for Sales

  1. Automatically notify your sales team when buyers interact with your Tourials (both for net new leads and leads already assigned to specific reps).

  2. Automatically add buyer engagement data to Salesforce to better visualize each prospect’s journey.

High Intent Identification & Attribution for Marketing

  1. Identify high-intent leads, group them in Marketo and create targeted campaigns that promise higher conversion rates.

  2. They can understand the effect their tours have on their buyer’s journey, answering questions such as:

    1. Are people viewing Tours and then converting?

    2. Are they converting and then viewing more Tours?

Real-time alerts via Slack or email

With engagement data from Tourial living inside Marketo (and tied to Person Records), you can automate Slack or email notifications customized to alert based on engagement triggers.


  • Anytime a buyer starts a tour session

  • When a buyer interacts with a Tour for more than a specific amount of time

  • Anytime a buyer completes a full Tour (or completes a specific % of a Tour)

If you have any questions about the engagement data sent to Marketo, feel free to chat with us using the chat bot in the bottom right of your screen, or email support@tourial.com.

Last updated