Triggering HubSpot Workflows

First thing's first: Make sure you've already connected HubSpot to your Tourial account before you try to build a HubSpot workflow.

Creating a Tourial-based workflow trigger

  1. In your HubSpot account, create a new workflow and select "Set up triggers"

  2. Scroll down to Tourial: Tourial View Timeline Event ā€‹ ā€‹

  3. Next, you'll see a list of available engagement data you can use

  4. Depending on your needs, we might suggest using Tourial: Name in addition to Tourial: Time Spent (Seconds) so that you're only including those who actually spent some time viewing your Tourial in your workflow. But you can use whichever identifier makes sense (forms submitted, last Tourial viewed, etc.)

  5. Copy the name of your Tourial from your Tourial account and then paste it under "equal to any of" (if there are multiple Tourials you'd like to use, you can continue adding Tourial names in this field). ā€‹

    Note: You can then add any other AND/OR filters to your trigger

  6. Once your triggers are all set, continue adding steps to your workflow as needed!

Check out some of the ways workflows could be used leveraging Tourial engagement data šŸ‘‡

  • Add people that view your Tourial to a HubSpot campaign to continue nurturing them with additional resources

  • Tag people that have viewed your Tourial and/or add them to a list

  • Add visitors that aren't already customers to a Salesforce campaign or create a Salesforce task so your sales team can follow up

  • Send a Slack notification to a channel or user when someone views your Tourial

  • Add visitors to an ad audience for retargeting

  • Update a visitor's lead status or use your lead scoring model to give them additional points

Last updated